Friday, November 15, 2019

The Veldt Comprehension Questions

These are the comprehension questions due on Monday. Please make sure you use quotes from your story to back up your answers.

The Veldt Comprehension Questions

Please write your answers in complete sentences.
  1. How would you describe each of the four main characters?




  2. Why didn’t the nursery respond to Mr. Hadley’s request for Aladdin and his lamp?

  3. Why did Mr. and Mrs. Hadley call a psychologist, even though they had the power to turn off the nursery?

  4. Why did Mrs. Hadley ask her husband to let the kids have the nursery on for one last time?

  5. This story can be considered a classic Gothic Horror story (which typically portrays “sick” houses or families). What clues does Bradbury give his reader that something bad is going to happen in the nursery?

  6. Has technology helped or hindered the families relationships? Explain your answer.

  7. What happens at the end of the story? Was it an accident? How do you know?

  8. “The Veldt” was published in 1951. It is a view of what Bradbury predicted life and technology would be like around the year 2000.
    a. Is this an accurate view? Why or why not?

    b. What predictions are correct?

    c. What predictions are not correct?

  9. What message is Bradbury trying to send his readers about technology?